
Minecraft 1.18 release date
Minecraft 1.18 release date

minecraft 1.18 release date

  • Armor and protection reduction calculations have been made more accurate.
  • Ravager or Zoglin) now receive less knockback when hit by an Iron Golem
  • Mobs across higher and lower difficulties had their damage adjusted slightly accordingly.
  • Damage is now calculated more accurately by properly calculating and storing partial damage for larger damage.
  • Punching deals less damage now, to better match the Java Edition ( MCPE-152713).
  • Lowered the amount of knockback resistance granted by Netherite Armor ( MCPE-109408).
  • Netherite Armor will now reduce more damage than Diamond Armor.
  • Tweaked armor reduction calculation to account for toughness.
  • Diamond Armor and Netherite Armor now have a toughness value of 2 and 3 respectively.
  • Absorption Hearts no longer stay yellow while under the Wither effect ( MCPE-131852).
  • This has been changed to match Java Edition ( MCPE-113191)
  • Fixed an issue where the Protection enchantments mitigated too much damage.
  • The camera now shakes the same way it does in Java Edition when the player receives damage ( MCPE-118510).
  • Fixed some issues where damage invulnerability wasn’t being applied properly.
  • Improved accuracy of damage calculations.
  • Water and Lava Buckets can now be used on waterlogged blocks, such as Light Blocks or Big Dripleaves ( MCPE-148392).
  • Nether Brick, Iron/Gold Nuggets, Red/Brown Mushroom Blocks, and Chorus Plant/Flower Blocks can no longer be used as fuel in Furnaces ( MCPE-114216).
  • The player’s arm no longer twitches while charging a bow ( MCPE-148486).
  • Azaleas and Lily Pads are now broken by flowing water ( MCPE-152040).
  • Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can now be placed on or attached to Trapdoors, depending on their state.
  • Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can no longer be placed on or attached to Brewing Stands.
  • Glow Lichen can now be attached to Leaves.
  • #Minecraft 1.18 release date full#

    Glow Lichen now correctly checks for the face of the block they are attached to be a full block.Glow Lichen no longer generates hanging in the air inside Strongholds ( MCPE-123448).TNT blocks now correctly move in a random X/Z direction once lit.Cauldrons now only fill with water and lava by Dripstones that are below water and lava source blocks.Changed block tick rates for Cactus, Chorus Flower, Crops, Grass, Pointed Dripstone, and Saplings to match Java Edition ( MCPE-145612).Falling blocks once again have full-block hitbox.Mobs spawned from a Dispenser are now persistent ( MCPE-110521).

    minecraft 1.18 release date

    The Ravager now targets and attacks the Wandering Trader ( MCPE-44606).Mobs can no longer spawn on Campfires ( MCPE-152770).Untamed Wolves can now be leashed ( MCPE-82050).Bees no longer become angry when Beehives are destroyed by Silk Touch ( MCPE-83550).Drowned can no longer spawn where the block light level is above 0 ( MCPE-150148).This matches the behavior of Java Edition When a mob picks up an item, the item can now be seen slightly “pulled” towards the mob right as it picks it up.Shulkers now have a chance to spawn another Shulker when hit by a Shulker projectile ( MCPE-104826).

    Minecraft 1.18 release date